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MOL Joins JFCCT, BOI and MOC in “Supporting Existing Foreign Business Investment in Thailand” Seminar

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             On December 6, 2018, at 10.00 hours, Deputy Permanent Secretary of Labour Pol.Maj. Romayong Surakitbunharn, represented the Ministry of Labour joined a seminar with the Joint Foreign Chambers of Commerce in Thailand (JFCCT), representatives from the Thailand Board of Investment and the Ministry of Commerce on “Supporting Existing Foreign Business Investment in Thailand” at the Thai Jitlada Conference Room 1-2, Bangkok Marriot Queens Part, Bangkok. Pol.Maj. Romyong said that the Ministry of Labour has developed a single window system for visa and permit with the BOI and the Immigration Bureau to facilitate people in business and investors from abroad. The system allows for online applications and review in a single system and is currently available at Chamchuri Square, Bangkok, Chiang Mai and Phuket. In the future, she said that services would expand nationwide according to the Labour Minister’s policy and also spoke about other benefits to investors such as skills development, labour protection and social security for example. 


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Division of Public Relations/
7 December 2018