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MOL Labour Relations Selection Committee Meets for No. 1/2022

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          On April 1, 2022, Deputy Permanent Secretary of Labour, Ms. Bubpha Rueangsud, chaired the Selection Committee Meeting No. 1/2022 at the Labour Relations Committee meeting room, 1st floor, Labour Relations Office. The meeting acknowledged the Ministry of Labour’s regulations on the criteria and methods for selecting employer and employee representatives in the Labour Relations Committee B.E. 2558, the Labour Relations Committee, according to the Ministry of Labour’s Order No. 190/2562, for six people whose terms ended. The plan also consisted of three persons for each of the Labour Relations Committee members for the employer and employee representatives.
          On March 22, 2022, the Office of the Labour Relations Board arranged for the nominees to be elected to replace both directors who had retired. They elected the six with the highest scores for both parties. The Selection Committee then proposed the nominees to be considered, following the number of Labour Relations Committee members who completed their terms. Both the employer and employee representatives will continue to be the Labour Relations Committee members.


Division of Public Relations
1 April 2022