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MOL Molds Candles for Asanha Puja 2017

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           On 3 July 2017 at 13.30, Labour Minister General Sirichai Distakul chaired the candle molding ceremony on the occasion of Asanha Puja and Lent. Permanent Secretary of Labour M.L. Puntrik Smiti and executives, led the Ministry of Labour’s officers and officials to the ceremony at the ministry’s foyer.
    The Office of the Permanent Secretary as the center of anti-corruption initiatives, has organized a week to promote Buddhist principles on the occasion of Asanha Puja and Lent this year, during 3-7 July 2017. The Labour Minister will chair the candle and offerings ceremony, and a session on Bhuddhist teachings this Friday 7 July at 07.30. The event will take place at the ministry’s foyer and lawn in front of the Ministry of Labour. 





Spokesperson and Publication Sub-Division /
Bureau of Public Relations /
Chaninthorn  Phettab – Newes /
Sompob Silbut – Photos /
3 July 2017