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MOL Prepares for Cyber Security

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            Deputy Permanent Secretary of Labour Mr. Singhadet Chu-umnart chaired the Cyber Crime and Cyber Security Forum at the Prasong Rananant Conference Room at the Ministry of Labour. He said that Permanent Secretary of Labour M.L. Puntrik Smiti had seen the necessity for the ministry’s officers to use information communication technology for efficient work, to manage information and keep it secure. For this reason, she said that it was necessary for the ministry’s people to understand cyber security and methods of securing important government information to maintain the people’s confidence on using MOL online services. These efforts correspond with the 8 agendas on reform and the 20-year strategy on digital transformation which aims to prepare the government sector for Thailand 4.0.




            The forum was attended by experts from Korea who spoke about obstacles and advancements in cyber security, and explained the different forms of cyber security and crime. The speakers gave examples of computer and electronics crimes, as well as explained prevention methods. The forum, which was attended by 50 participants also allowed for open exchange of ideas and thoughts.


Bureau of Public Relations /
31 March 2017
Kantipon Kusmit – News/
Butsarakorn  Tuidoi –  Photos