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MOL Spokesperson Clarifies M.P. Mod’s Statement Regarding Social Security Remedies for Workers in Camp Sites Valued Over 28M Baht

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          On July 9, 2021, the Ministry of Labour’s Spokesperson (on politics) Mrs. Theanrat Nawamawat, spoke about the case where M.P. Ms. Wanwipha Maison, from the Move Forward Party, came out to the news on Twitter and her personal Facebook page, saying that it was said that cash would be paid every five days. Still, today is said that D-Day would start this 23 with remedies for almost a month. What is left of this government to be reliable? In this regard, the Ministry of Labour would like to clarify the details as follows. With the CCSA’s announcement of the closure of construction worker camps, the Ministry of Labour’s Social Security Office has paid compensation benefits in case of unemployment due to force majeure from Covid-19 by cutting the payment for five days from June 28 to July 2, 2021. A total of 13,655 employees were paid for 28,494,966.60 Baht.
          Mrs. Theanrat added that the payment on July 23 was the government’s budget under the Loan Act, providing additional remedies for employees and employers. This is a different part of the fund from the Social Security Office. With the Move Forward Party publishing, such news causes confusion among the people. Those who do not know the facts should ask. The Labour Minister welcomes all parties in helping to resolve the issues among the people to ensure the utmost care.


Division of Public Relations
9 July 2021