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MOL Supports Employers to Upskill Migrant Workers Targeting a Million People; Swiss Ambassador Praises the Labour Minister for Raising the Level of Labour Equality

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          On May 30, 2024, the Labour Minister, Mr. Phiphat Ratchakitprakarnb, welcomed the Ambassador of Switzerland to Thailand, Mr. Pedro Zwahlen, and the delegation on a courtesy call to introduce himself, discuss and understand the current priorities of the Ministry of Labour. The parties also discussed existing labour cooperation and possibilities for future collaboration with the Ministry of Labour. This includes the PROMISE project supported by the Swiss Agency for Development Cooperation to increase suitable employment and improve the living conditions of migrant workers. The Assistant to the Labour Minister, Mr. Siraphop Duangsodsri, the Secretariat to the Labour Minister, Mr. Aree Krainara, from the Prime Minister’s Secretariat’s Office, performing duties for the Ministry of Labour, Mr. Phuchong Worasri, the Ministry of Labour’s Inspector-General, Mr. Samat Pattamasukon, and the Ministry of Labour’s senior executives attended at Chatumongkol Room, 6th floor, Ministry of Labour.

          Mr. Phiphat said that the Ministry of Labour’s executives were delighted to welcome the Ambassador of Switzerland to Thailand, Mr. Pedro Zwahlen, and the delegation on their visit to the Ministry of Labour today. Currently, there are approximately 179 Thai workers working in Switzerland and approximately 865 Swiss nationals living and working in Thailand. The Labour Minister said that he sincerely hopes that more business groups and tourists from Switzerland will visit Thailand and asked for support for more Thai skilled workers to travel to work in Switzerland. The Labour Minister thanked the Swiss government for its support of PROMISE. This project promotes job opportunities and better working conditions for migrant workers residing in Thailand, mainly migrant workers from Cambodia, Laos, and Myanmar, from its first phase to the second phase now.

          Mr. Phiphat continued that he and his delegation from the Ministry of Labour, including representatives of employer and employee organizations, are scheduled to travel as a representative of the Thai government between June 10 and 15 to attend the 112th Annual General Meeting of the International Labour Organization in Switzerland. He thanked Mr. Pedro and the Swiss Embassy for their support in facilitating the visa process for the Ministry of Labour’s traveling group. At this meeting, the Thai government will announce the ratification of Convention No. 144 on Tripartite Consultation to Support the Implementation of International Labour Standards, which is currently being presented. When the Cabinet approves it, it can be announced. As for protecting the rights of migrant workers residing in Thailand, even though it is not possible to develop skills for migrant workers according to the law, the Department of Skill Development has coordinated with various establishments to request their cooperation to up-skill migrant workers. The target is for over 1 million people. In addition, regarding the law, the Ministry of Labour treats Thai workers and migrant workers equally, especially with the announcement of a minimum wage increase of 400 Baht nationwide, effective October 1.

          The Ambassador of Switzerland to Thailand, Mr. Pedro Zwahlen, thanked the Labour Minister for the opportunity to meet and exchange labour information today. He commended the Thai government’s success and efforts to improve the quality of life of workers and praised the Labour Minister for taking good care of refugees in difficult situations. Today’s discussion will lead to cooperation that will benefit both sides and drive the economy. Most importantly, it will continue to strengthen their relationship.