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Mr. Suchart Sangurai Advisor (on Labour) Visits Employers and Agricultural Trainees in Saitama Province

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  On the 19th of November 2014 the Labour Office Committee in Japan led by Mr. Suchart Sangurai Advisor (on Labour), Miss Jitlada Bumrungjit, Interpreter to the Office and Mr. Nirand Oumaemura, General Coordinator travelled to visit trainees in Saitama Province. The Office of Labour provided the following details:





  On the 19th of November 2014 the Labour Office Committee in Japan led by Mr. Suchart Sangurai Advisor (on Labour), Miss Jitlada Bumrungjit, Interpreter to the Office and Mr. Nirand Oumaemura, General Coordinator travelled to visit trainees in Saitama Province. The Office of Labour provided the following details:

            1. Visited Mr. Kazuji Imai Preseiident of JA Saitama Okabe, a Japanese agricultural cooperative and trainee supervisor Mr. Zenki Kubota. The organization reported that at present there are 11 male trainees working on the plantation of spring onions, broccoli and corn with 7 employers. The employers had complimented the Thai trainees as being respectful and obedient, enticing the employers to welcome more Thai trainees in the future. The trainees reported that they received an average of 43,000 Yen after deduction of expenses. The organization arranged accommodation for the trainees to live together which allowed the Thai trainees to work together collaboratively. The Labour Office in Japan thanked the organization on the occasion of the visit to allow them to get to know and visit the trainees again, asking the organization to host more trainees in the future. They also gave notice that if there are any problems or consultation needed then the Office of Labour in Japan would be ready to collaborate. 

            2. Visited 11 male trainees who reported that the organization and employers had looked after them well. There had been no issues in work and the employers also shared fresh harvest with the trainees to save meal costs. The Labour Office in Japan has cautioned the trainees to work under the laws, rules and regulation of Japan such as riding bicycles and being careful of fraud agents approaching them to work in other areas. Furthermore, they had received notice from the organization and employers of the trainees’ alcohol consumption, whereby the Labour Office had cautioned the trainees to drink appropriately, not losing consciousness. They also advised that the trainees rest sufficiently and spare time to develop Japanese language skills in case they would have an opportunity to work with Japanese companies upon return to the country. They also gave notice that if there are any problems or consultation is needed, to contact the Labour Office in Japan at the details written on the given business cards. They also provided magazines and instant noodles to the trainees. 

           3. Visited Mr. Matsushima Takio, employer in Saitama province with a business in harvesting corn, broccoli and spring onion. At present he has 2 trainees from Thailand. The employer reported that the trainees were determined and worked well. The supervisor stated that there had been no problems at work and that the trainees would have to take the knowledge and skills obtained in Japan to apply to their careers upon returning to Thailand.