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Mrs. Ratiwan Suntara, Minister Counsellor (labour affairs) Office of Labour Affairs in Taipei gave an interview to Dr. Pattaya Ruenkaew.

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Mrs. Ratiwan Suntara, Minister Counsellor (labour affairs) Office of Labour Affairs in Taipei gave an interview to Dr. Pattaya Ruenkaew.
On 3 April 2014, Mrs. Ratiwan Suntara, Minister Counsellor (labour affairs) and Miss Sadudee Kittisuwan, labour counsellor welcomed Dr. Pattaya Ruenkaew, Associated researcher of Asia Immigration Center, Asia Study Institution of Chlalongkorn University and gave him an interview on the interim project on “ A study for gathering basic information regarding Thais and Thai Association in Singapore, Malaysia, Viewnam, Taiwan and Japan”


นางรติวัณณ สุนทรา  อัครราชทูตที่ปรึกษา (ฝ่ายแรงงาน) สนร.ไทเป ให้สัมภาษณ์ ดร.พัทยา เรือนแก้ว



Mrs. Ratiwan Suntara, Minister Counsellor (labour affairs) Office of Labour Affairs in Taipei gave information regarding Thais and Thai workers in Taiwan. Gist as follows;
According to the information in February 2014, it appears that there were 67,453 Thais workers live in Taiwan legally divided into 53,006 male and 14,447 female and there were totally 492,444 foreign workers working in Taiwan in which 216,151 are Indonesian (or equivalent to 43.89%) and 124,204 Vietnamese (or equivalent to 12.44%) respectively.  Most workers are in manufacturing industrial sector which is 57,900 persons and 2,113 persons in construction sector, 710 persons in social welfare sector and only 18 persons in fishery agriculture sector. In this regard, to clarify the number of Thai workers in Taiwan, it found that most of Thai workers live in Taoyuan, Taichong and Taipei which are 18,144 persons, 10,255 persons and 9,010 persons respectively.
As of total sum of Thai workers, 43,857 of them live in the area in responsible of Office of Labour Affairs in Taipei namely Taipei, Jilong, Taoyuan, Sinju, Meaw Li, Taijung, Nantao, Hualien, Elan, Jinmern, and Lienchong. The rest of 16.884 workers separately work city in the responsible of Office of Labour Affairs in Kaohsiung.