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Mrs. Ratiwan Suntara, Minsiter Counsellor of Office of Labour Affairs inTaipei welcomed Mr. Panich Chitchang, Inspector-General of Minister of Labour and the group.

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 On 9-12 September 2013, Mrs. Ratiwan Suntara, Minister Counsellor and Ms. Sadudee Kittisuwan, Counsellor (labour) Office of Labour Affairs in Taipei welcomed Mr. Panich Chitchang, Inspector- General of MOL and the group, totally 6 persons who came to visit Taiwan to promote labour market expansion and protect benefits of Thai labours in overseas as well as call on Thai workers to boost their morale.











On this occasion, Mr. Liew Hway Hren, Deputy Director-General of vocational training center welcomed the group of Inspector- General. In this regard, The Inspector-General of Mol expressed thankfulness to Taiwan for welcoming and taking a good care of Thai workers working in Taiwan as well as providing systematic benefit protection to those Thai workers. The Call Center 1955 helps Thai workers to feel comfortable to work in Taiwan. Hence, the group of Minister Counselor asked Taiwan to organize 1) training course to build capacity of Thai workers during working in Taiwan and 2) labour skill test to Taiwan workers in order them to earn appropriate wage as their labour skill level.

Later, they went to attend the lecture on “Alien Workers Administration” at Taiwan Council of Labour Affairs and studied operation system at call center 1955.

On this occasion, Mr. Liew Hway Hren, Deputy Director-General of vocational training center welcomed the group of Inspector- General. In this regard, The Inspector-General of Mol expressed thankfulness to Taiwan for welcoming and taking a good care of Thai workers working in Taiwan as well as providing systematic benefit protection to those Thai workers. The Call Center 1955 helps Thai workers to feel comfortable to work in Taiwan. Hence, the group of Minister Counselor asked Taiwan to organize 1) training course to build capacity of Thai workers during working in Taiwan and 2) labour skill test to Taiwan workers in order them to earn appropriate wage as their labour skill level.