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Negotiations Take Place with Israel on Labour Protection

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          On 4 May 2017 at 14.30-17.00 (local time in Israel), the Ministry of Labour’s representatives joined the meeting between Thai and Israeli government representatives on labour agreements in Jerusalem, Israel. Representatives included officers from the Ministry of Labour, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Administration of Border Crossings, Population and Immigration (PIBA), the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development and the Center for International Migration and Integration (CIMI).
          The Department of Employment’s Director-General Mr. Waranont Pitiwan as the Ministry of Labour’s spokesperson spoke about Labour Minister General Sirichai’s visit with Thai workers and consultation with Minister of Interior Mr. Aryeh Deri. He explained the Labour Minister’s concerns for Thai workers and asked for stricter measures to ensure the workers refrain from involvement with drugs. He said with the labour-intensive nature of agriculture, workers would need to stay focused and tolerant to the heat and dry conditions. The Labour Minister had therefore requested cooperation from employers for free annual health checkups for Thai workers in Israel. In addition to this, he explained that in the past, Thai workers often complained of employer’s refusing to pay compensation or not paying the full compensation amount. In 2017, a total of 2,000 Thai workers will complete their contract and will return in June 2017. The Ministry of Labour asked Israel to implement measures for employers to compensate the Thai workers’ return home to avoid further complications or expenses. The Labour Minister also asked for measures whereby employer’s in the agricultural industry contribute to the compensation fund so that when the workers return to Thailand, they are compensated in full and avoid any need to negotiation with the employer. General Sirichai further asked for the consideration of colour-blind but physically able workers in unaffected work such as livestock.
          From the consultation, Israeli representatives said they were ready to provide full collaboration on Thailand’s suggestions and will meet again on progress.


Bureau of Public Relations/
Rapatsa panikul – News/
Sompob Silbut – Photos/
5 May 2017