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Office of Labour Affairs in Japan visited Thai trainee who got an accident and the trainees of Watanabe Ltd in Saitama.

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               On 23 January 2012, Mrs. Chantana Boon-arj, Minister Counsellor (labour) and Mrs. Malee Wada, Overseas employment promotion coordinator along with officer of IM Japan visited Thai trainees at Watanabe Ltd. in Saitama adjacent to Tokyo in the north with the aims to visit Thai trainee who had accident and take this opportunity to visit others training in this company. The Watanabe Ltd. is a small size enterprise, presently accepted 8 Thai trainees to train drilling metal parts of high definition-computer programs. The minister counselor gave blankets, dried foods and books to trainees and visited their accommodation as well as clarified the details of provisions of labour law regarding working hours, overtime payment calculation and workday shift in pursuant with Japan labour law in order to build their right understanding to work smoothly. It was found that they are happy and have 100,000 yen a month for saving (approximately 40,000 baht). Many of them will help publish this training project to the juniors in their universities to to recognize and apply to attend this training project. Later in the same day, she went to Saitama Medical School Hospital to visit Thai trainee who has admitted in the hospital since he got injured from molar tooth broken and displaced due to slipping from the bicycle while riding to buy things.