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Office of Labour Affairs in Kaohsiung holds Futsal Competition on Chinese New Year 2012

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On January 24, 2012, Office of Labour Affairs in Kaohsiung held a Futsul Competition during the Chinese New Year cerebrations at Dache Community’s sport centre aimed at encouraging Thai workers to spend their holidays on useful activities to promote their health and discourage the use of alcohol and drugs.


Officials at the Office of Labour Affairs in Kaohsiung also had an opportunity to meet with Thai fellows and exchange useful information they need for working and living in Taiwan.  


There were eight teams participating in the Futsal Competition. Chaokang representing Thai workers in Kaohsiung City’s Xiaogang District claimed the winner. The second-runner up and the third runner-up were Long Chon United representing Thai workers from Dashe District and Yong Kan representing Thai workers from Tia’an District respectively.


Mr. Ou Yin Chew, representative from international police department, watched the competition and jointly conferred trophies and awards – sponsored by local labour office in Kaohsiung – with Ms. Kwanta Mongoneratana, Minister Cousellor (Labour) to the winner teams.