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Office of Labour Affairs in Kaohsiung holds Songkran festival

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On April 13, Ms. Kwanta Mongkornratan, Minister Counselor (Labour Affairs) of Office of Labour Affairs in Kaoshiung, and the office’s officials along with executives and officials of local agencies in Kaoshiung jointly held Songkran festival for Thai people living in Kaoshiung, Tainan and nearby areas to preserve Thai cultures and celebrate Thailand’s traditional New Year.


During the festival at a park in Kaoshiung, there were alms-giving activity, bathing ceremony, “Rod Num Dam Hua” ceremony, water splashing, traditional Thai dance performances, Sepak Takraw demonstrations, quiz contests, musical performances, demonstrations on how authorities detect prohibited items in Taiwan and Thai cuisine booths. The lively event was attended by some 500 Thai people and workers from Taiwan and other countries.


Taiwanese authorities hold Songkran festival every year, so Thai workers can celebrate their New Year and relieve their stress.

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