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Office of Labour Affairs in Riyadh paid a visit to Director of Amnesty Division in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia in order to discuss on amnesty for illegal alien workers.

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On 6 October 2010 at 10.30am.-11.30am., Office of Labour Affairs in Riyadh represented by Mr. Chaiyot Yousub, Minister Counsellor, assigned CPO1 Bancha Chuenchom, Labour Counsellor and Mr. Mud Mamin, translator, to pay a visit to Col. Mohammed Al Anase, Director of Amnesty of Riyadh in order to discuss about the announcement on amnesty for illegal alien workers in which the Department of Interior of Saudi Arabia announced the amnesty procedure on 23 September 2010. The workers who were given amnesty grace are the persons who entered Saudi Arabia by obtaining Umrah Visa, Hajji Visa, visitor Visa and other Visas as well as the immigrants illegally entered the border adjacent to neighboring countries and stayed over the period specified in the Visa. Those persons who intend to return to their home country shall personally contact nearby Amnesty Division without being imprisoned and fined. The Amnesty Division will copy finger print for evidence. However, those persons will be prohibited to enter into Saudi Arabia for 5 years. Then, the Saudi government will issue departure Visa to deport them to their domicile. In this regard, the illegal alien workers shall hold passport and air ticket. Under the amnesty, illegal migrant workers will have to apply for Royal Pardon in a six-month window period from September 25 to March 24 to leave the country.
           As for the alien immigrant workers who fled from employer, they will not be entitled to Amnesty grace. If those persons intend to leave the country and return to their domicile, they shall take the employer to confirm in writing with no arguments and assent Amnesty Division to send them back to their home country. The employer also has to pay a fee for residency permit (Igama) to Saudi government. If the employer already notified the fleeing alien workers to the government, such alien workers shall be responsible for the fee.
Office of Labour Affairs in Riyadh therefore would like all illegal Thai workers in Saudi Arabia who intend to return to Thailand to be informed.