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Office of Labour Affairs in Taipei reports “Minimum wage rate rise to 19,273 $NT starting from 1 July 2014.”

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Taiwan Ministry of Labour announced that minimum wage rate in Taiwan rise from 19,047 $NT to 19,237 NT$ (increasing at 226 $NT Taiwan or 1.19%) or 642 $NT per day, 80.3 $NT per hour starting from 1 July 2014.  In case of working overtime, the workers shall receive 1.33 times of wage payment or 107 $NT per hour for the first 2 hours and 1.66 times of wage payment or 133 $NT per hour.
As a resut, labour insurance premium and health insurance premium will be increased. Ministry of Labour Insurance Taiwan announced the minimum labour insurance for the new minimum wage rate of 19,273 $NT at 328 $NT (paying more 3-5$NT a month). Meanwhile, the employer shall pay the contribution for 1,147$NT a month for 1 employee for health insurance fund starting from 1 July 2014 onwards. Employee who received minimum wage payment shall pay contribution to health insurance fund at 284 $NT and employer shall pay contribution at 965 $NT a month for 1 employee.
Office of Labour Affairs in Taipei.