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Office of Labour Affairs in Taipei reports “Taiwan economy in this year is expected to grow higher”

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During the end of last year, Taiwan economic growth slowed down but economic analysis predicted that that growth can be expected to surpass 3% given the gradual worldwide recovery in 2014 despite continued global economic uncertainties. In the end of last year, investment and consumer in Taiwan grows distinctively and export tend are expected to increase.




During the end of last year, Taiwan economic growth slowed down but economic analysis predicted that that growth can be expected to surpass 3% given the gradual worldwide recovery in 2014 despite continued global economic uncertainties. In the end of last year, investment and consumer in Taiwan grows distinctively and export tend are expected to increase.




The Taiwan Institute of Economic Research (TIER) late last month raised its forecast for the country’s 2014 GDP growth to 3.17%, an increase of 0.06% from the 3.11% it had forecast last November.

The Chung-Hua Institution for Economic Research (CIER) predicted growth of 3.03%. Worldwide, CIER estimated growth for the euro zone at 0.5% to 0.7% and for China at 7.5%, signaling better things for Taiwan’s exports than last year. For the mainland of China having been in adjusting period, the economic growth in 2014 is expected to increase at 7.5%