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Office of Labour Affairs in Taiwan joins Radio Taiwan International’s meeting

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On December 16, 2012, Mrs. Ratiwan Soonthra, Minister of Counsellor (Labour), and Mrs. Pimpaporn Thiyanan, Counselor (Labour), attended the Radio Taiwan International (RTI) 2012 annual meeting, “RTI Meets With Audiences”, at the RTI Station in Taiwan.
The event was also joined by some 80-100 foreign audiences, namely workers from Vietnam, Indonesia and Thailand or Vietnamese, Indonesian and Thai speaking workers.
RTI deputy director and directors of office of labour affairs in Taiwan and Vietnam gave the speech to open the event, which also featured cultural and singing performances by foreign workers and RTI officials, social gaming and lucky draw competition.
Such the event is held annually for foreign workers in Taiwan. Interested workers need to book the number of participants with the station in order to join the event.