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Office of Labour Affairs in Teipei reported news “labour force participation rate of woman reached 50%”

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     Taiwan’s labor force participation rate of women reached 50.19 percent in 2012, surpassing that of Japan, according to statistics released by the Directorate General of Budget, Accounting and Statistics. It reflects that Taiwan woman mostly are willing work outside. However, Taiwan’s labour force participation rate of woman has never faced the situation as South Korea and Japan.

      The labor force participation rate is the percentage of working-age persons in an economy who are either employed or are unemployed but looking for a job. Taiwan women’s labor force participation rate was 46.59 percent ten years ago but is now higher than 50 percent, reflecting a rise in women’s role in Taiwan labour market. Tawan’s female labour participation are 58.35% and Taiwan’s men’s labor participation rate was 66.87 percent in 2012 which is the same rate in the last few years .
      Chen Min, an official from the Directorate General of Budget, Accounting and Statistics, said that despite the statistic, most Taiwanese women stop working and turn to be a housewife after they get married or have children.