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Office of Labour Affairs in Teipei reports news “ Taiwan Labour Ministry added direct employment channel for foreign workers.

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            Taiwan Labour Ministry revealed that Taiwan accelelated to promote direct employment to employers who want to hire more foreign workers by increasing service points, online application via website or mobile as well as conducting a service satisfaction survey for better services. The foreign worker direct employment aims to help employers who want to hire the exiting foreign workers to be able to directly employ them (no need to hire from recruitment firm). The employers or foreign workers, however, process all application and documents such as foreign worker employment permit, document certification, and application for work permit. Taiwan Labour Ministry would send messages via mobile or email in order to advise employer application process after arrival of foreign workers.
            Taiwan has provided direct employment services since 2008 with 17,460 users. In 2013, there was direct employment for 51,312 persons so that Taiwan Labour Ministry has to increase more service channel and e-application services.