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Office of Labour Affairs, Royal Thai Embassy in Tel-Aviv was informed that Thai workers in Sde Trumot Moshav were suffered from unpaid wages owed.

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                 Officials of Labour Affairs of Royal Thai Embassy at Tel-Aviv, was informed by Mr. Narong Namsopa and Mrs. Tananda Chuadee, Thai workers working in Moshav Sde Trumot that the employers owed unpaid wage in the amount of 110,422 THB/each amounting to 220,844 TBH in total. Hence, on 8 May 2010, officials of Labour Affairs hastily headed to investigate the fact. It appeared that Mr. Devid Kimmar refused to discuss this issue with the officials but assigned others to meet the officials instead. In addition, they could not produce employment-related evidences such as timesheet, the receipt of salary payment and other supporting documents. The employers also disallowed workers to stay in their provided accommodation. Consequently, the officials had to provide new accommodation for them and informed employment agency to assist them.
                 In this regard, Labour Affairs will pass the issue to the lawyer to prosecute against Mr. Devid Kimmar for unpaid wage and claim for entitled benefits.


ที่มา : สนร.ณ กรุงเทลอาวีฟ