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Office of the Permanent Secretary of Labour Wins Excellent State Award 2024 for Government Management Quality, Category 4 from the OPDC

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On September 6, 2024, the Permanent Secretary of Labour, Mr. Pairoj Chotikasathien reported that as announced by the Office of the Public Sector Development Commission (OPDC), the Excellent State Award that is awarded to agencies with excellent performance in increasing efficiency of government services, developing the quality of government management and opening up the government system for other sectors to participate in, the Office of the Permanent Secretary of Labour received the 2024 Excellent Government Award, Quality Government Management Award, Category 4, in Analysis of Organizational Performance and Knowledge Management.

Mr. Pairoj continued that the Office of the Permanent Secretary of Labour thanked the Office of the Public Sector Development Commission (OPDC) for considering the award for the Office of the Permanent Secretary of Labour. The Excellent State Award is an honourary award presented to government agencies to honour their commitment to public services and to encourage the award-winning agencies to focus on improving the quality of their services. The Office of the Permanent Secretary of Labour will continue to focus on developing the administration system of the agencies to be more efficient. The OPDC will inform the agencies of the award date again.