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Outstanding Organizations Awarded on Workforce Development Initiatives

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             Today (1 September 2017), Permanent Secretary of Labour M.L. Puntrik Smiti chaired the award ceremony for outstanding organizations on promoting skills development for 2016 which took place at Ballroom 2 at The Emerald Hotel on Ratchadapisek Road in Bangkok. In her speech, she explained that the Skills Development Act B.E. 2545 and amendments were enacted to promote organizations to participate in skills development initiatives for their own workforce, in aims to align skills with the labour market. In addition to this, the Labour Minister’s policies on workforce development towards a Thailand 4.0 driven by the enactment has formed enticing measures for tax exemptions such as when launching skills development activities; this, in addition to many other benefits have driven positive cooperation from many organizations. Thus the award ceremony was arranged to honour successful organizations promoting workforce skill development last year, in 2016.

             The Department of Skills Development’s Director-General Mr. Teerapol Koonmuang spoke about the five different categories. The first category were organizations larger than 100 staff in size and training provided to all staff for 5 consecutive years (2012-2016); curriculums were assessed on feasibility in developing and motivating staff. The second category was for organizations with less than 100 staff, which complied to the Skills Development Promotion Act for at least 2 consecutive years (2015-2016); organizations with less than 100 staff are not required to comply with the act, but are encouraged to promote development. The third category was organizations taking in students or civil service officers for training under approved curriculums, providing allowances and welfare. The fourth category went to organizations creating their own skill standards in at least 1 professional branch within the past year. In addition to this, such organization had created a training module and implemented it among staff. The last category went to organizations which showed drive of the Thailand 4.0 policy or with outstanding performance, recognized by government units or private institutions on human resource development on a national or international level.      

             “A total of 59 organizations were awarded, 14 of which were from Bangkok and another 45 from other provinces. Recipient organizations will be awarded with trophies and certificates to show their participation in developing the nation’s workforce which will overall enhance national competitiveness and economic strength. Current statistics have showed that over 3,681,037 workers have had their skills developed by these organizations, with 1,841,419,840.66 Baht beening used in tax deductions. In future years, I hope to see more organizations join this initiative,” concluded Mr. Teerapol.








Bureau of Public Relations/
Daonapa  Naorangsee – News & Photos/
Department of Skill Development  – Information/ 

1 September 2017