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Over 120,000 Employer-Migrant Employee Relationships Investigated on Seventh Day

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          Permanent Secretary of Labour M.L. Puntrik Smiti gave an interview after observing the employer-employee relationship verification process at the ground floor of the Ministry of Labour today (15 August 2017). She said, “It has been 7 days into the employer-employee relationship verification process, which once complete, employers will receive certification to move onto the next process which is the citizenship verification process to obtain a work permit. Over the past 7 days, 122,959 employer-employee relationships have been investigated totaling 19 percent of the overall applications. From the total, 2,286 employees have not passed the qualifications, mostly because of being underage; this requires medical examination results on bone mass which must be presented to the Department of Employment’s officers to confirm the workers’ age, to prevent child labour and human trafficking risks. The observation found no obstacles and the systems ran smoothly. The process requires only 10 minutes per migrant worker. Labour Minister General Sirichai Distakul has emphasized prohibition on all government officials in seeking financial gains from migrant workers, instructing strict inspection by all relevant units. He reiterated harsh penalties for any violation and misconduct.”
          Restaurant business owner Mr. Somboon Piyatubtim gave an interview. He said, “Today I have brought 12 Burmese workers to the employer-employee relationship verification process, which only took 10 minutes. I commend the Ministry of Labour is supplying sufficient staffing to efficiently expedite the process.” 
Bureau of Public Relations
Pariyaron Phromsakha Na Sakonnakhon – News
Sompob Silbut – Photos
15 August 2017