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Labour Minister Delighted to See Many Foreign Press at APEC Meetings Using Thai Massage Services

Deputy Permanent Secretary of Labour Joins Investment Subcommittee Meeting

Labour Minister Instructs Intense Training of Thai Masseuses to Prepare for the APEC Press

Labour Minister Assigns Spokesperson to Lead Wall Painting Team to Support the ‘Street Art King Bhumibol’ Project

MOL Offers Royal Robes and Contributions to the Royal Tuition Scholarship Projects for Thai Monks for 2022

Labour Minister Assigns Spokesperson to Visit the Baisi Occupation Group in Bueng Kan Province to Promote Occupations Supporting Tourism

MOL Joins Launch of the Partnership for Action on Green Economy in Thailand

Permanent Secretary of Labour Meets to Consider Promoting Labour Graduates to Government Staff

Labour Minister Assigns Spokesperson to Udon Thani to Visit Homeworker Groups to Promote Careers and Boose the Community Economy

MOL Joins Grab Taxi to Develop Language Skills and Services to Create Professional Grab Taxis

Labour Minister Assigns MOL Spokesperson to Receive Instant Noodles from SCG (Thailand) to Support Flood Victims

MOL Meets to Review the Ministry of Labour’s Anti-Corruption and Misconduct Action Plan

Labour Minister Assigns MOL Spokesperson to Lead the Team to Congratulate Manager Daily on Their 15th Anniversary

Labour Minister Delivers Policies to SSO to Enhance the Quality of Life for Insured Persons and Create Sustainable Stability

Labour Minister Reveals the Muslim Community’s Appreciation for the PM Restoring Ties with Saudi Arabia

Labour Minister Meets the DENSO Labour Union with Focus on Laying the Foundations for Workers to Drive the Country’s Development