Mr. Jarin Chakkaphark, Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Labor was th Chairman of the meeting clarified the inspection guidelines of the inspector of the Ministry of Labor. For the fiscal year 2018, the head of government agencies under the Ministry of Labor in the first region (Northern) at Chiang Rung meeting room. Wiang Inn Hotel “I would like to give you a guideline in the fiscal year 2018 for all of you to know and take as a guideline for the operation to move the Ministry of Labor’s mission to the same direction and in line with the government and the Ministry of Labor’s policies as follows: 1) The “King’s Philosophy” by Royal Initiative royal guidance Royal duties His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej’s Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej is in the lead and driven to operate. The concept of “understanding, access, and development” is applied to the data, including the need to study the surrounding information, including the local context in order to understand what the people are suffering. What do you want to help? You need to access the area to meet with those who have suffered. Providing assistance and servicing to the public in a fair and equitable way so that problems can be resolved in accordance with the needs of the people. And stakeholders 3) Ask for integrated work to look at the overall achievement of the work. The provincial labor force is central to coordination with all agencies under the Ministry of Labor and external agencies at the provincial, provincial and sector level, so that the people and civil society are given a sustainable quality of life. Therefore, in the workplace, they seek the cooperation network from all relevant sectors. The goal is common just help people to have a good life, eat well, and happy, and take care of informal workers to access more government services. 4) Resolving public problems is urgent. Problems in the area must be resolved. If any problems can not be solved immediately. 5) Policy and Direction of H.E. Police General Adul Sangsingkeo, Minister of Labor have 11 Agenda Items, which are: 1. Accelerate the organization of foreign workers. 2. Promote and accelerate the resolution of human trafficking issues. 3. Fix the problem of Thai workers to work abroad. 4. Promote the acceptance of people with disabilities. 5. Promote employment of older people. 6. Drive Safety Policy Thailand 7. Push on informal workers to access the social security system. 8. Upgrading Skill Skills 9. Increase the capacity of Thai workers to work abroad. 10. Promote the development of fair and equal social security. 11. Upgrade the 1506 hotline system to be the main network and link nationwide. Four regional approaches are as follows: 1. Provincial workers are the representatives of the policy area. 2. Provide provincial workforce to integrate work with all agencies and all relevant stakeholders. 3. Prepare an Action Plan. 4. Provide Provincial Labor Office with a Provincial Big Data and Development Policy. (6) Administration Center (1) Elevated Operations Center, Ministry of Labor (CEM), Departmental Level and Area 2. Develop human resources to be capable. Expertise 3. Optimize National Labor Information Center 4. Accelerate key legislation. 5. Upgrading the Ministry of Labor to be an international standard, a digital ministry, and successful. The key mechanism for monitoring and evaluation is the official inspection by the Ministry / Department Inspectorate. It has the duty to inspect, monitor, supervise, and advise on the implementation of government policies. The Ministry of Labor and the plan to achieve the goals set. “