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Permanent Secretary of Labour Gives Oath to Delaware Intention to Fight Against Drugs on World Anti-Drug Day 2024

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          On June 20, 2024, the Permanent Secretary of Labour, Mr. Pairoj Chotikasathien, gave an oath to declare the intention to fight against drugs on the occasion of World Anti-Drug Day ( June 26) 2024. Senior executives, civil servants, and officials from the Office of the Permanent Secretary of Labour joined the occasion in front of the royal portrait, 1st floor, Ministry of Labour.
          Mr. Pairoj said that drugs are a problem that many countries agree must be solved globally. Therefore, the resolution of the United Nations General Assembly has set June 26 of every year as World Anti-Drug Day. Thailand is a member country that joined the international community to fight against drugs. It has organized continuous campaigning activities since 1988.
          Drugs are a problem for all of us. It does not belong to any one person because it affects not only those involved but also the people around, families, and the community. The Office of the Permanent Secretary of Labour realizes the importance of everyone’s cooperation in successfully resolving drug issues, especially paying attention to family institutions, communities, and business establishments. The Office of the Permanent Secretary of Labour is an establishment that plays an important role in helping to closely monitor and prevent civil servants and officials under the Office of the Permanent Secretary of Labour, including family members, from becoming victims of drugs. In addition, it gives opportunities to family members who have gone astray and been involved with drugs to look at them with understanding and help them find other solutions, to encourage them to enter the treatment process and be able to return to living a normal, happy life in society again.
          “I would like to thank all civil servants and officials of the Office of the Permanent Secretary of Labour, who have worked together with dedication and sacrifice to prevent and solve the drug problem in Thailand. The prevention and resolution of drug problems will be successful with everyone as an important force in participating in preventing and solving the drug problem,” Mr. Pairoj concluded.
          The year 2024 is an auspicious one. His Majesty the King celebrates his 72nd birthday. Every year, June 26 is World Anti-Drug Day. The Office of the Permanent Secretary of Labour has continuously been committed to campaigning against drugs to express loyalty to the nation, religion, and monarchy. It shows the intention and power of cooperation from the executives, government officials, and officials of the Office of the Permanent Secretary of Labour under the concept of “Uniting Thai power, creating families and communities with peace of mind, free from drugs, in honor of His Majesty the King’s 72nd Birthday”. The efforts strive towards making Thai society sustainably safe from drugs.



Division of Public Relations