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Permanent Secretary of Labour Launches Project to Develop Potential in International Cooperation, Emphasizing Personnel Take Care and Assist Thai Workers Abroad in a Comprehensive and Timely Manner

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            On September 8, 2024, at 09.30 hours, the Permanent Secretary of Labour, Mr. Pairoj Chotikasathien, chaired the opening ceremony of the project to develop potential in international cooperation. The Ministry of Labour’s Inspector-Generals, Mr. Samat Pattamasukon, Ms. Bunyawee Khaipan, Mrs. Marasri Jairangsi, Mr. Santi Nantasuwan, the Assistant to the Permanent Secretary of Labour, Mr. Sakdinart Sonthisakyotin, along with the Ministry of Labour’s executives, joined the occasion. The Director of the International Cooperation Bureau, Ms. Kaewjai Satchavet, reported on the objectives of the event at the Grand Pacific Sovereign Resort and Spa, Cha-am District, Phetchaburi Province.

            Mr. Pairoj said that he was pleased and honoured to be the chairman of the opening ceremony of the seminar under the project to develop potential in international cooperation today. International cooperation is an important mission in the current global situation; it is important in the international dimension and requires cooperation from the government and private sectors or related agencies to integrate various aspects of work, such as economy, trade, investment, labour, and human resources, both at the bilateral and multilateral levels. Therefore, international cooperation is an important mechanism to drive the economy, especially the labour economy, which plays a role in the dimension of employment, job creation, income generation, and improving the quality of life of Thai workers and their families through maintaining and expanding markets for Thai workers to work abroad. It is also an important tool in the dimension of enhancing cooperation and negotiations with friendly countries, organizations, and various business sectors.

            Mr. Pairoj continued that in addition, in the current global context where unrest and disasters occur regularly in various regions, personnel of the Ministry of Labour must be ready to handle such situations to take care of, protect, and assist Thai workers comprehensively and promptly. The readiness of personnel and agencies related to international labour missions will be a mechanism to help promote the quality of life of Thai workers and create career opportunities through the expansion of the labour markets, which will strengthen Thailand’s security and the stability of the region, increase competitiveness along with sustainable development through cooperation with friendly countries around the world, and create prestige and bargaining power in the international arena. Therefore, I sincerely hope that all participants will gain knowledge and understanding in the implementation of the guidelines for driving international labour management to achieve tangible results.

            The International Cooperation Bureau, under the Office of the Permanent Secretary of Labor, organized this seminar to provide personnel under the International Cooperation Bureau and related agencies with knowledge and understanding of various foreign affairs missions by organizing a brainstorming seminar to prepare the annual work plan for fiscal year 2025. It also hosted lectures and discussions to develop skills and competencies for project participants to be able to integrate work with relevant government/private sector networks to respond to changes in the Thai labour market abroad, including preparing to monitor and deal with unrest situations abroad that may require the evacuation of Thai workers.


Division of Public Relations