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Permanent Secretary of Labour Visits Maha Sarakham to Commence Seminar on Labour Volunteers, an Important Mechanism to Drive MOL Missions to the People

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On September 6, 2024, at 14.00 hours, the Permanent Secretary of Labour, Mr. Pairoj Chotikasathien, chaired the opening ceremony of the seminar project to drive the operation of labour volunteers. The Ministry of Labour’s Inspector-Generals, Mr. Samat Pattamasukon, joined in honour. The Deputy Governor of Maha Sarakham Province, Ms. Pranee Wongbut, gave a welcome speech. Heads of government agencies under the Ministry of Labour in the Northeast and seminar participants gave a welcome. The Director of the Inspection and Evaluation Office, Office of the Permanent Secretary of Labour, Mr. Achawin Pujjakarn, gave a report on the objectives of the seminar. The occasion took place at the Santarat Meeting Room, Taksila Hotel, Maha Sarakham Province.

Mr. Pairoj said that he was pleased and honoured to be the chairman of the opening ceremony of the workshop to drive the operation of labour volunteers and to meet with the heads of departments under the Ministry of Labour in the Northeast to drive initiatives. Labour volunteers are an important mechanism to drive the mission of the Ministry of Labour to the people in the area. In the 2024 fiscal year, various situations, both domestically and internationally, have changed rapidly. In the country, there have been important situations in terms of the economy, politics, drugs, illegal immigration, and natural disasters, all of which have affected the general public. The Ministry of Labour has important policies to support such issues. Everyone has worked together in the area, and the results are evident. However, the workforce drives the essential policies of the Ministry of Labour to enable working-age people, both formal and informal workers, as well as vulnerable groups such as the elderly, the disabled, and independent occupation groups such as delivery and food delivery drivers, temporary workers (freelance), to have jobs and higher incomes for self-reliance with dignity and honour, to be protected and have stable security. The Ministry of Labour has therefore developed the potential of the working mechanism, which is labour volunteers. It has revised the Ministry of Labour’s regulations on labour volunteers B.E. 2548 to be consistent with the current situation and developed criteria, guidelines, and labour graduates, to be a mechanism for everyone to use in managing the work of labour volunteers to drive the policies of the Ministry of Labour at the local level to be more efficient.

The objective of this project is to clarify the guidelines for driving the operations of labour volunteers in the 2025 fiscal year and to monitor the results of labour volunteer operations, gather issues, information, and facts from the operations of agencies under the Ministry of Labour in the regions, as well as exchange opinions and suggestions for solutions to obstacles that arise during operations in order to find ways to drive the operations of labour volunteers efficiently. The project participants, totaling 120 people, consisted of heads of government agencies under the Ministry of Labour in the Northeast and relevant officials. The components of the project include lectures on the topics of “Driving the Ministry of Labour’s Policy by Labour Volunteers” and “Guidelines for Driving the Operation of LabourVolunteers”. Labour volunteers conducted activities to review and listen to obstacles and problems in driving the Ministry of Labour’s policies.