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“Pol.Gen. Adul” Commences 2nd TVET Forum on Professional Skills Development for the Future

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              The Labour Minister commenced the 2nd TVET Forum on “Professional Skills and the Future of Jobs: A Comprehensive Growth Strategy for Asia and the Pacific”, making every part of the workforce ready for the future. 


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             On November 19, 2018, Labour Minister, H.E. Police General Adul Sangsingkeo chaired the opening ceremony of the 2nd TVET Forum on “Professional Skills and the Future of Jobs: A Comprehensive Growth Strategy for Asia and the Pacific” at the Amari Watergate Hotel Bangkok. He said that the forum was an opportunity for professionals and lecturers from the International Labour Organization (ILO), various universities, government agencies, employers’ and employees to exchange knowledge, experiences and suggestions in preparation of workforce skill development to support the world of work in the future, a challenge and a goal to work together to achieve success. Furthermore, the Future of Work is one of seven initiatives to celebrate the 100th Anniversary of the ILO’s founding in 2019 (ILO Centennial Initiatives). Other initiatives include the Women at Work initiative, the Green Initiative, the Standards Imitative, the End to Poverty Initiative, the Enterprises Initiative and the Governance Initiative.
            Pol.Gen. Adul added that the Thai government, by the Ministry of Labour, has given importance to continuous development, such as technological advancement and the fourth wave of the industrial, national development into Thailand 4.0 with the hope that Thailand will step out of the middle-income trap, development of Eastern Economic Corridor (EEC), becoming an aging society and low labour productivity. External challenges also include the UNs 2013 agenda for Sustainable Development Goals (SGDs) to be achieved by member countries, and the countdown to Thailand becoming the chairmanship of ASEAN in 2062 for example. The key to driving the country is human resources or the workforce, to be developed effectively for national competitiveness to support the ten target industries, first S – Curve and new S – Curve. The most important and necessary is the cooperation of all sectors as a civil society, which the Thai government and Ministry of Labour has always given importance to, operating trilaterally to provides opportunities for feedback from network partners and stakeholders, driving the country to the goal of stability, prosperity and sustainability.
            “Thailand is ready for all creative cooperation and is part of the Asia Pacific region, to develop the workforce towards valuable and a fair future of work to benefit all people in the society equally, not leaving anyone behind,” said Pol.Gen. Adul.



Division of Public Relations/
News by Chaninthorn Phettab/
Photos by Sompob Silbut/
November 19, 2018/