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“Pol.Gen. Adul” Emphasizes Government’s Righteousness in Enactment of C188 Laws for Sustainable Fishing

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            The Labour Minister confirmed the government’s move to enact legislation on C188, justified at every step for the benefit of the people. The enactment will promote sustainable treatment of workers in fishing among entrepreneurs and be the most benefit to the workers themselves, also contributing to the resolution of human trafficking, forced and illegal labour. The Labour Minister emphasized that the enactment would not affect local fishing.

            On December 24, 2018, Labour Minister, H.E. Police General Adul Sangsingkeo spoke about the opposition of fishermen groups in 22 coastal provinces that did not want the government to ratify the ILO Convention No. 188 on working in the fisheries sector, 2007, after meeting with relevant agencies at the Prasong Rananant Meeting Room, 5th Floor, Ministry of Labour. From situational assessments, the Ministry of Labour has formed a joint administrative division, by assigning the Deputy Permanent Secretary Labour to be responsible for the integration with all parties, including the legal department, the police and the administrative department, to assess the situation and create awareness.
            Pol.Gen. Adul spoke about the government’s actions towards the said convention. The government has implemented legislation through various steps with righteousness, whereby the Ministry of Labour opened channels for feedback and opinions on its website for the economy and society, and Council of State’s website. The documents were downloaded 253 times, alongside five comments. There were also six meetings to listen to the opinions from stakeholders such as government agencies, the private sector, employers, employees, international organizations, NGOs and the public. In addition, the Ministry of Labour’s agencies in the 22 coastal provinces were instructed to create awareness on such issues for entrepreneurs and workers in fishing to acknowledge and understand, as well as inviting representatives of fisheries associations in the coastal area to discuss with the Ministry of Labour. This law is considered an act that is genuinely beneficial to the people, able to solve the problems of entrepreneurs in using sustainable labour practices in fishing. More importantly, it will benefit the workers themselves most, including being able to address human trafficking problems, forced and illegal labour, with no impact on local fishing.
            The Labour Minister spoke about the meeting to summarize the results of the public hearing regarding the Convention No. 188, which involved relevant agencies on December 26, at the Ministry of Labour. He said that if there was a group of protesters pressuring opposition on the day, the meeting could be cancelled immediately as the government does not want to take any action under pressure from the crowd. As for actions taken on demonstrators, legal proceedings will take place.



Division of Public Relations/
News by Chaninthorn Phettab/
Photos by Chanchai Chaonongphian/
24 December 2018/