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Public Health, Labour and Stability Center Progress Reported

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          Today (7 June 2017) Labour Minister General Sirichai Distakul chaired the subcommittee meeting for the public health, labour and stability center, for the second time this year .The meeting was held at the Department of Employment’s Tien Achakul conference room, with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Public Health, the Immigration Bureau and other affiliates of the Ministry of Labour. The various department took turns to report their progress from October 2016 – May 2017, where the Department of Employment updated its progress on permitting Cambodian workers daily or seasonal entry in accordance with Section 14, applicable to 19,916 people at the Sa Kaew Special Economic Zon and 3,588 people in Trad, totaling 23,504. In addition to this the DOE has permitted work to 6,211 migrant workers in Tak, 19,916 in Sa Kaew, 4,429 in Trad, 711 in Mukdahan and 2,986 in Songkhla, totaling 34,253 workers. It also reported preparations to meet with relevant units on giving migrant worker management guidelines in Chiang Rai, Tak, Kanchanaburi and Ranong for Burmese workers entering on daily or seasonal basis in accordance with Section 14.
          The Department of Skills Development has trained 17,407 workers in 10 provinces with Special Economic Zones including Tak, Mukdahan, Sa Kaew, Trad, Songkhla, Nong Khai, Chiang Rai, Nakhon Phanom, Kanchanaburi and Narathiwas. This included 743 graduates in their final year of study in preparations to enter the workforce and 7,086 formal workers which were categorized into 3 categories including direct skills development, management and language skills. In addition to this 9,578 informal workers were trained, 53.57 who were unemployed and another 1,171 foreign workers comprising 463 Laotian workers, 210 Cambodian workers and 498 Burmese workers.
          The Department of Labour Protection and Welfare has given advice and resolutions to problems concerning legal rights to 4,370 employers and migrant workers, ensuring proper protection. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs reported progress on agreements with the Laotian government on border crossing, with the Ministry of Public Health having conducted health checks for 26,215 migrant workers in the Special Economic Zone and the Immigration Bureau monitoring entry and exit at the borders via implementation of the e-fingerprint system.
Bureau of Public Relations
Pariyaron Phromsakha Na Sakonnakhon – News & Photos
Office of Foreign Workers Administration
7 June 2017