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Quality Leading Foundation Consults Permanent Secretary on New Generation Development

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         Today (20 February 2017) at 13.30, Dr. Supporn Buasai, Manager of the Quality Learning Foundation met with Permanent Secretary of Labour M.L. Puntrik Smiti to consult academic collaboration on development for the new generation, the workforce of the future. Dr. Supporn also reported progress on research such as those conducted on teenagers not receiving education in special economic zone regions. The research results will contribute to pre-workforce preparation and support employment at the local level so that workers do not have to migrate for work. Additionally, Dr. Supporn received comments and suggestions to align the research with the Ministry of Labour’s framework.


Bureau of Public Relations / Panjida  Yuphasuk – News /Prangkaew  Aiyarakhom – Photos / 20 February 2017