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Social Security Office’s e-Payment System Launched

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Secretary-General of the Social Security Office, Suradech Waleeithikul announced that the Social Security Office has complied with government policy on doing business. The office campaigned employer’s contribution to the Social Security Fund through e-payment channels which do not require any physical attachments. At present, employers can opt for automatic bank account deductions from 7 banks including Krungsri Bank, Citibank, Sumitomo Banking Corporation, Mizuho Corporate Bank, Siam Commercial Bank, Kasikorn Bank and Krungthai Bank. After successful payment, the bank will issue a receipt and send it to the employer via postal services. 

Mr. Suradech continued that the Social Security Office’s e-payment system was easy to use, requiring users to apply via the website, which would generate a username and password for each employer. Employers would then need to contact the bank to confirm deduction once the employer logs into the system and confirms the amount. Apart from sending confirmation of contribution, employers can register insurers (SorPorSor 1-03), report employment (SorPorSor 1-03/1), report resignations (SorPorSor 6-09) and report changes to insurers’ personal information (SorPorSor 6-10) through the internet. 

The Social Security Office has aimed to improve all services to benefit employer, employees and insurers through using technology. It has also studied new services to integrate with existing systems, taking into consideration data safety and integrity and the convenience to employers, employees and insurers. Users can get more detail from or call 1506 (which provides 24-hour services).



Information from Social Security Office, 

as at 04/05/2017