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South Korean media reported that Taiwan and South Korea has started working holiday scheme since this New Year.

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               South Korean Yonhap news agency reported that Taiwan and South Korea has started permitting youths to apply for working holiday visas since January 1, 2011. This is according to the agreement concerning the working holiday visa system that both parties signed on November 23 of the previous year.
               The news also reported that the conditions in applying for South Korean working holiday visas are that Taiwanese youths aged between 18-30 must have passports that have been valid for at least 1 year and have bank accounts in the amount over USD 2500 to be able to apply for South Korean working holiday visas at South Korean representative office in Taiwan. The visas granted will be valid for 1 year. During that period, the youths who were granted the visas will be able to stay and work legally in South Korea.
               Likewise, the South Korean youths who want to go on a working holiday in Taiwan will receive the same right from Taiwanese government. The purpose of the scheme is to increase the contact and culture exchange between the populations of the two countries.