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Sustainable Economy Philosophy Upheld in Promoting Green Jobs

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          Today (13 June 2017), Labour Minister General Sirichai Distakul gave an address at the meeting to discuss the report of the ILO Director-General on “Working in Climate Change: Green Initiatives” at the ILO in Geneva, Switzerland.
          The ILO’s focus this year is on “green jobs” coupled with environmental sustainability. In doing this, Thailand has honoured King Rama 9’s sustainable economy philosophy which focuses on balance between economic and social advancement, and environmental sustainability. In his speech, he said the 7 decades of this philosophy has shown the importance of nature’s resources by constantly creating awareness among the people of the importance of long-term sustainability over short term gains. He said that this would align with the ILOs SDGs in the transition to a green economy being fair and inclusive. The Labour Minister said that this would be necessary in creating conviction that a clean and environmentally economy will not interfere with life and employment, in accordance with the aspirations of sustainable development goals and the strive to a prosperous economy and society. He emphasized partnerships with employers and employees, without leaving anyone behind.
          To drive economic growth and environmental sustainability, the Thai government has implemented measures for workers to prepare the workforce for a green economy by enabling use of environmentally friendly materials and chemicals, including efficient waste management systems. In addition to the focus on human resource development, the Labour Minister said that the government has given importance to spreading awareness of the value of long-term sustainability and has used this as a framework for the 20-year national strategy. The address was listed to by participants from around the world, who also congratulated Thailand on it’s clear directions and green initiatives to reform the future of work.


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13 June 20107