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Taipei Labour Office Reports Preparation to Recall Withholding of Caretakers and Seamen from Vietnam

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Many years ago, the number of Vietnamese workers fleeing employers in Taiwan escalated rapidly. As a result, Taiwan withheld the entry of Vietnamese workers for caretaker, housekeeper and fishery jobs (except caretakers which the employer had directly employed). The Vietnamese government has expressed sincerity to resolve the issue of fleeing workers, announcing tough penalties for those found wrongdoing. 


Many years ago, the number of Vietnamese workers fleeing employers in Taiwan escalated rapidly. As a result, Taiwan withheld the entry of Vietnamese workers for caretaker, housekeeper and fishery jobs (except caretakers which the employer had directly employed). The Vietnamese government has expressed sincerity to resolve the issue of fleeing workers, announcing tough penalties for those found wrongdoing. 


As the number of fleeing Vietnamese workers has reduced significantly, coupled with the announcement by the Indonesian government on withholding the export of female workers in the next 3-5 years, the Ministry of Labour in Taiwan has considered recalling the announcement to withhold Vietnamese workers. It is expected that after the meeting amongst government officials from the Ministry of Labour in Taiwan and Vietnam scheduled during April 2015, that Vietnamese workers will be able to travel for work in the position of caretakers, housekeepers and seamen in Taiwan again, in effect from June 2015 and onwards.


Labour Office in Taipei