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Thailand 4.0 Policy to Improve Sustainable Employment

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         The Ministry of Labour’s Inspector-General and leader of the ministry’s news team Mr. Soothi Sukosol said explained that the Ministry of Labour had plans to support the Thailand 4.0 policy, whereby developing the workforce from Manpower to Brain Power, which will lead to better competitiveness in industries such as tourism, mechanics, production for export and Thai culinary for example. In addition to this, the plans will reform internal structures, starting with the establishment of a “Labour Economic Office”, which will align with the 20-year strategic framework on people development and the 20-year national strategy. Mr. Soothi explained that the Ministry of Labour will also sign an agreement on academic collaboration with Thammasart University’s Faculty of Economics this 11 of May, to study and evaluate real-time labour conditions. The Labour Economcs Office will be responsible for studies to provide advice on policy and development for the nation’s human resources. The collaboration will also aim to forecast future labour trends (12-month ahead) and monitor current situations to continuously update forecasting and work with international labour economic units to monitor and evaluate situations beyond the nation’s borders. Furthermore, an annual seminar will be organized to present academic findings from labour networks.

         Mr. Soothi spoke about unemployment and compensation from the Social Security Office, saying that it could be a result of true unemployment of voluntary resignation, whereby Labour Minister General Sirichai Distakul has assigned relevant units to evaluate the issue. As for the government’s Thailand 4.0 policy, this will aim at people development for better productivity in the production and services industry, coupled with integration of advanced working technology.

         “On the National Labour Day, the Labour Minister reiterated the future of work. The government does not want anyone to think that the Thailand 4.0 will result in unemployment; I confirm that the workforce will remain employed, with better income and quality of living,” said Mr. Soothi.


Spokesperson and Publication Sub-Division/
Bureau of Public Relations/
Chaninthorn  Phettab – News/
4 May 2017