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Thailand-China Tightens Relations under ILO Framework

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          Labour Minister General Sirichai Distakul met with Vice Minister You Jun of China’s Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security (MOHRSS) at the United Nation in Geneva. The two parties discussed the selection of hosts for the International Skills Competition which was has both China and Switzerland as candidates. The Department of Skills Development will participate in the CISC 2017, whereby the discussion concluded the preparation of needed tools and equipment, sponsored by many international and Chinese companies, which are also prepared to support the organization of the World Skills Competition too.
          The Labour Minister discussed the future of work, stating that Thailand is aware of the changing employment landscape and has set human resource development policies to prepare for the future job market through cooperation of all sectors. The Ministry of Labour has set a 20-year framework on the development of the Thai workforce which comprises four phases; The “Productive Manpower” phase as the foundation to international standards, the “Innovative Workforce” phase which is the era of a productive workforce in support of Thailand 4.0, the “Creative Workforce” phase which is the era of a creative workforce making valuable contribution and the “Brain Power” phase which focuses on social creation, wisdom and “STEM” skills, for high value work and workplace safety.
          The discussion was a good opportunity for the Thai government to express its goodwill to the Chinese government, coupled with collaboration under the ILO’s framework and other labour matters. Both countries also expressed their readiness to work together as permanent members, helping to maintain mutual benefits of the Asia Pacific region.


Spokesperson and Publication Sub-Division/
Bureau of Public Relations – News/
International Cooperation Bureau – Information/
14 June 2017