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Thailand-Japan Strengthen Cooperation to Raise Labour Standards in Support of a Trade and Investment-Driven Economy

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            The Labour Minister welcomed Mr. Hiroki Mitsumata, President of the Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO Bangkok) and committee on a courtesy call and to discuss labour affairs, strengthen cooperation, resolve work permit application problems, the shortage of labour and raise labour standards to meet market needs.



           On October 3, 2018, at 10.00 hours, Labour Minister H.E. Police General Adul Sangsingkeo welcomed Mr. Hiroki Mitsumata, President of the Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO Bangkok) and committee from the Japanese Chamber of Commerce and Embassy, on the occasion of a courtesy call. The Labour Minister was presented with a report on the economic outlook of Japanese joint venture companies in Thailand for the first half of 2018, which concluded improved business conditions in the first half of 2018; thus it is projected that business conditions in the second half of 2018 will improve too. The parties discussed labour affairs in terms of solving work permit application issues, labour shortages, especially engineers, managers and worker/staff levels, improvement and development of education and human resources development. The meeting took place at the Labour Minister’s Reception Room on the 6th Floor at the Ministry of Labour.
           Key issues discussed in this session related to solving work permit application problems, whereby current laws have removed problematic provisions in the work of foreigners and have added channels to utilize modern technology for work permit applications. Foreigners are allowed to work in positions that are in shortage and which Thai people do not work in, especially as engineers, managers and worker/staff levels. The Ministry of Labour by the Department of Skill Development organized training courses for personnel development, in collaboration with national labour skills development experts in different professions to train workers to become experts in order to improve and resolve working problems in their own professions. This was coupled with the development of labour skills in organizations entering the labour market, including state welfare registrants to alleviate labour shortages. The Ministry of Education has improved training curriculums to meet the needs of the labour market, with emphasis on digital automation technology, practical skills, educational improvement and human resources development. The Ministry of Labour by the Department of Skill Development has been involved in the development of labour capacity to keep up with change and needs of organizations in several aspects. This included a research project to drive the workforce towards a Thailand 4.0, development of a training curriculum and national standards, enhancement of training to support future industries, enhancement of logistics personnel, capacity building of personnel within the Department of Skill Development and improvement of collaboration with the public sector in labour skill development.
           The Japan External Trade Organization’s (JETRO Bangkok) role is to strengthen trade and investment relationships between Thailand and Japan and is part of driving imports of Thai products to the Japanese market. The organization also plays a part in creating a good investment atmosphere in Thailand, with 80 branches worldwide and a branch in Bangkok which is JETRO’s regional site in Asia.



Spokesperson and Publication Sub-Division /
Division of Public Relations /
News by Nattaphat Chueaniam/
Photos by Sompob Silbut/
3 October 2018