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Thailand Prepares to Host High-Level Labour Meeting with EU Next Year

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            The Permanent Secretary joined EU representatives in a labour conference between Thailand and the European Union in preparation for a high-level meeting on labour between Thailand and the EU next year. 



            Today (November 29, 2018), Permanent Secretary of Labour Mr. Jarin Chakkaphark presided over the opening ceremony of the Thailand-EU Labour Symposium at the Pakorn Angsusingh Conference Room, 10th Floor, Department of Skill Development. The Permanent Secretary of Labour together with a committee of the ministry’s senior executives welcomed EU representatives led by Mr. Lluis Prats, Head of International Issues Unit from the European Commission on Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, and Mr. Giuseppe Busini,Deputy Head of the EU Delegation to Thailand and committee. Mr. Jarin said that the symposium was part of the bilateral Labour Dialogue that the Thai Ministry of Labour and DG-Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion of the European Commission initiated.
            A high-level meeting was held which welcomed and signed the Labour Dialogue in May 2018 in Brussels, Belgium. This symposium marked the first time since the initiation of the Labour Dialogue where Thailand welcomed representatives from the EU to formally discuss issues together in preparation for Thailand’s hosting of a high-level labour conference between Thailand and the EU next year. This was an important event and opportunity for both parties to share knowledge, experiences and good practices as well as provide feedback on issues of mutual interest for the development of labour operations. Topics that Thailand attached importance to were valuable work in the global supply chain and skill development for the future, especially on the issue of “Future of Work” which is one of seven initiatives to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the ILO founding in 2019 (ILO centenary initiatives).
Both Thailand and the EU are affected by rapid development from internal factors and challenges that are common commitments of the global community, in particular is the 2030 agenda for sustainable development (SDGs) of the United Nations (UN) that member nations must accomplish.
            For Thailand, in addition to the countdown to becoming the ASEAN Champion in 2019, other important issues include technological advances, the 4th Industrial Revolution wave, development towards a Thailand 4.0, the goal to escape the middle-income trap, development of the Eastern Economic Corridor (EEC), becoming an aged society and the problem of low Thai labour productivity for example.
            “Thailand is ready for solid and sincere cooperation with DG-Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, to progress the workforce towards valuable work, obtain a fair future and comprehensive and equal human rights,” Mr. Jarin said.



Division of Public Relations/
News by Nattaporn Chuean-iam/
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