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Thailand Ratifies ILO Conventions 111 and Considers Two More

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         Labour Minister General Sirichai Distakul met with ILO Director-General Mr. Guy Ryder at the United Nations in Geneva, Switzerland. The Labour Minister said that the ratification of ILO Convention 111 showed the nation’s commitment to the international community on promotion of equal opportunity and elimination of discrimination in employment, moving forward to achieving the UN’s agenda for sustainable development. Convention 111 defines national policies and measures to promote equal opportunities and eliminate employment and occupation based on race, skin colour, gender, religion, political opinion and social status. The convention defines employment and occupation as access to skills development training, employment, some specific professions and employment conditions.
The Labour Minister stated that the Thai government attaches great importance to the principle of equality and elimination of discrimination in all its forms as defied in the National Policy and Constitution of the Kingdom of Thailand B.E. 2560, as well as the enforcement of laws, regulations and working framework that ensures workers are fully protected. For further ratification of ILO conventions, the ministry is currently analyzing and discussing readiness to ratify two more conventions which is the 2014 protocol annexed to ILO Convention 29, 1930, concerning forced labour and ILO Convention 188, 2007, concerning work in fishing.
         The Labour Minister continued his speech, explaining the nation’s commitments over the past 3 years which was reflected in the vote for a 3-year term regular member to the GB by ILO representatives. He said that this was an honour to Thailand which is responsible of caring for the lives of workers from around the world. He said that Thailand has prepared for the future of work to support the future job market, through cooperation of all sectors in the development of Thai people and youths. On this occasion, the Labour Minister congratulated Mr. Guy Ryder on his appointment as ILO Director-General for another term, and that Thailand was prepared to work with the ILO to achieve desired goals and progress together.


Spokesperson and Publication Sub-Division/
Bureau of Public Relations/
Chaninthorn  Phettab – News/
International Cooperation Bureau – ข้อมูล/
14 June 2017