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The Correct Way for Working in Singapore

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       Job seekers looking to work in Singapore can directly contact Singaporean employers once a job vacancy is found.  Searching for vacancies can be done through different websites such as,, or through an intermediary such as a referred friend or family member, through recruitment agencies in Thailand or through recruitment agencies in Singapore for example.  Once the application has been processed and the employer has made an offer to hire, the candidate must go through the correct procedure in Thailand to prevent fraud or exploitation in an unfair contract.  Thus it is asked that job seekers study the details of the correct method for working in Singapore first, as follows:

         1. Practice according to the law which is section 48 of the Employment and Job Seeker Protection Act B.E. 2528 (A.D. 1985) which states that any job seeker wishing to work abroad on their own without a contract with a licensed recruitment agency abroad should report to the Director General of the Department of Employment of the assigned Director General (in provincial Employment Offices throughout Thailand and in Bangkok areas), whereby reporting at least 15 days before the set travel date

         2. In giving notification to work abroad, the job seeker may contact any of the following:

            (1) Employment Offices in any province around Thailand

            (2) Employment Offices in all areas in Bangkok

            (3) Thailand Overseas Employment Administration (department granting permission to work overseas) on the 12th floor at the Social Security Office in Area 3 of Bangkok, Mitmaitri Road, Dindaeng, Bangkok.  The telephone number is 0-2245-6714-5

         3. The processes in notifying intentions of working abroad are simple, only requiring the job seeker to fill out a notification form to travel for work abroad on their own (Chor.Ngor. 39 Form) to be submitted with relevant documents including:

            (1)       Passport (original and a copy)

            (2)       National identification card or house registration (original and a copy)

            (3) A verified copy of the identification card of the consenting person if the worker is under 20 years of age

            (4) A certificate of inspection, allowing the Thai worker to work in Singapore with a copy of the employment contract which has been certified by the Office of Labour in Singapore

        4. Asking for a certificate of inspection for Thai worker to Work in Singapore can be done as follows:

            (1) The Singaporean employer must contact the Labour Office in Singapore for relevant forms in addition to evidential documents for the certificate.  The Labour Office is on the 3rd floor of the Consular building within the Embassy in Singapore, situated at 370 Orchard Road.  They can also be contacted by telephone at +65 6224 1797 or +65 6224 9940.

            (2) Once the employer receives the certificate from the Labour Office in Singapore, the employer must send the relevant documents to the job seeker in Thailand.

         5. If independent job seekers have contributed to the fund before the set travel date, to assist other job seekers in working abroad or if the employer of a licensed agency has contributed to the fund, they have the right to benefit from the fund throughout the duration set in the contract.  The worker working abroad will also receive benefits as long as they are in the country for an additional 5 years after the contract has ended.  For job seekers looking to work in Singapore, the membership fee is 400 Baht.  For those interested of being a member to the fund to assist job seekers in working abroad, all provincial Employment Offices can be contacted, as well as in all areas of Bangkok or the department of the fund assisting job seekers abroad.  The Thailand Overseas Employment Administration of the Ministry of Labour can also be contacted by telephone at 0 2245 6710 – 1.