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The first three days of forced labor use … More than 100 foreigners have been arrested.

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          Mr. Anurak Tossarat, Director-General, Department of Employment revealed the results of the integration of illegal immigrant workers in the 113-unit operation team consisting of the Department of Employment, police and Security Department in the areas where they jointly inspected, suppressed, arrested and prosecuted illegal employers / enterprises and illegal migrant workers. After the closure of the OSS service center, it was found that the last three days were 1-3 days. The 298 cases could be investigated by the employer / establishment. There were 26 offenders who were prosecuted for work without a work permit. The Royal Decree on the Management of Alien Work, 2560, and the Amendments of 22, and the prosecution of offenses under the Immigration Act, 1979, 4, while investigating the work of the alien. 2,879 people were found guilty, 118 were Myanmar, 7 were Cambodian, 8 Cambodians, 7 Vietnamese, and 2 others. The prosecution of 58 persons under the Emergency Decree on the Management of Alien Work, BE 2560 as amended and to prosecute in the offense under the Immigration Act 1979, the number of people who work without a work permit or work outside the right to do is subject to a fine of 5,000 – 50,000 baht. Foreigner workers will be sent out of the Kingdom and will not be allowed to work within 2 years from the date of the offense. Employers who employ foreigners without a work permit or work permit, other than those entitled to do so, have a fine of 10,000-100,000. Baht per one alien who hired one. If repeated offense is punishable by imprisonment not exceeding 1 year or a fine of 50,000 – 200,000 Baht, or both, and no foreign workers are employed for 3 years.
          Director-General of the Department of Employment added that If anyone finds a foreigner to work illegally or find offenses related to the work of the alien. They can provide clues or complaints to the Central Employment Registry and Job Seekers. For more information, contact the Employment Department at 0 2354 1729 or the Bangkok Employment Office at 1-10. Or call the Department of Labor. 1506 Press 2 Department of Employment for the staff to check.