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The Israeli Ministry of Industry, Trade and Labour establishes a new agency

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The Israeli Ministry of Industry, Trade and Labour establishes a new agency to provide protection to alien workers. The agency, which sees Mrs. Iris Maayan as the head of the unit, is one of the organs of the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Labour. It has duties to enforce laws in order to provide alien workers legal protection and ensure that they receive wages in accordance with what the laws prescribe.

The Israeli Ministry of Industry, Trade and Labour establishes a new agency to provide protection to alien workers. The agency, which sees Mrs. Iris Maayan as the head of the unit, is one of the organs of the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Labour. It has duties to enforce laws in order to provide alien workers legal protection and ensure that they receive wages in accordance with what the laws prescribe.

     Mr. Sharon Kedmi, the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Industry, Trade, and Labour says that this agency has the power to take action in criminal cases where workers’ rights are breached. It also has the power to look after issues such as accommodations, working condition, and health insurance. Mrs. Iris Maayan, the head of the unit, says that alien workers are the group that has the least bargaining power in labour market and they are not strong enough to fight to protect their rights. This is the reason why their rights provided by laws have been breached.

     In addition to its power to receive petitions from alien workers, the agency has the power to take part in legal action against employers and make a prosecution.