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The Ministry of Labor has given special lecture topics: “Police Administration with Leadership”

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         On June 25, 2018, at 10:30 am, H.E. Police General Adul Sangsingkeo, Minister of Labor, received the honor from the College of Police for the lecture on the course of the Police Administration, Issue 44, entitled “Police Administration with Leadership ” at the 3rd floor of the Police College Building.

           The training was held from March 12th to June 29th, 2018. The objective was to develop the ability to manage and lead the organization in a responsible manner, based on knowledge, ethics, morality, and good governance on the basis of democratic monarchy and the good culture of the nation. It also aims to strengthen the vision of being a good executive, be able to integrate, and applied in the work properly. This training was attended by 120 police officers, commissioners, or equivalent officers, civil servants or other government employees: 9 enterprises and private sector, and 1 police officers from ASEAN countries, totaling 130 persons.
