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The Office of Labour Reports “Taiwan Is Ready to Increase Overtime Working Hours to No More Than 60 Hours a Month”

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               While the Taiwanese Ministry of Labour is in the process of considering plans to accommodate amending laws to reduce working hours which will affect the business industry, there has been the consideration of expanding the overtime working hours from the current hours of not exceeding 46 hours a month to not exceeding 6o hours a month.


               While the Taiwanese Ministry of Labour is in the process of considering plans to accommodate amending laws to reduce working hours which will affect the business industry, there has been the consideration of expanding the overtime working hours from the current hours of not exceeding 46 hours a month to not exceeding 6o hours a month.


          Taiwanese Labor Minister Chen Hsiung-wen stated that it was necessary for some parts of the business sector to work 24 hours.  By decreasing the working hours, the business sector would definitely be affected, thus the consideration to increase overtime working hours is necessary.  The Minitry of Labour in Taiwan are in the process of considering a resolution to this problem whereby considering opinions from both employers and employees.  The expected date to finalize and announce resolutions to the National Legislative Assembly was set within 2015.  


The Office of Labour Reports