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Trade and Economic Office in Taipei reported news “President Ma delivers National Day Address”

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President Ma Ying-jeou delivered his National Address on 10 October, identifying that Taiwan’s path in the global arena are the 3Hs–high productivity in its people, high added-value in its products, and high incomes and as a result, well-being for the citizenry also he would transform Taiwan into free economic island.  He said Taiwan will become the top investment choice for businesses around the world and a happy home for ROC nationals,” The president said, adding that the country and its people must first have the broadness of mind and courage to open up to the world”



          Taiwan must comprehensively take part in regional economic integration and speed up the promotion of its Free Economic Pilot Zones. Hence, Taiwan has a new competitor now that the Shanghai Free Trade Zone has begun operations. Ma said that the countries own pilot free economic zones should step up to meet the challenges, and widen their scopeสนร.ไทเป