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U.A.E. Hopes for More Local Residents to Enter the Workforce

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In developing a country, it is necessary to utilize the nation’s workforce including women workers; thus it is also essential that the people recognize men and women as equally significant in developing a country.

Women in the U.A.E. at present are continuously gaining higher education, but because of outdated social ideology, there has been hesitation in the workforce, especially for older generations. Such ideology and customs have been passed to the younger generation which has caused these groups of women to not be accepted in to the workforce whereby, a vast majority resort to being housewives.

In developing a country, it is necessary to utilize the nation’s workforce including women workers; thus it is also essential that the people recognize men and women as equally significant in developing a country.

Women in the U.A.E. at present are continuously gaining higher education, but because of outdated social ideology, there has been hesitation in the workforce, especially for older generations. Such ideology and customs have been passed to the younger generation which has caused these groups of women to not be accepted in to the workforce whereby, a vast majority resort to being housewives.

A change in such ideology would need great support from the public sector, thus the government announced a Gender Balance Council to survey the quantity of women in both the public and private workforce, as well as promoting women to enter the workforce. This council is led by Shaikha Manal Bint Mohammad Bin Rashid at Maktoum acting on the system and leadership in bringing these policies into practice in order to develop the economy, society and country. Although these policies have resulted in some success, there still needs to be more support from the general public in the country.

As the workforce in the U.A.E. or in the Middle-Eastern region is reducing as a result of policies by countries within the region, there must be the promotion of local people to enter the workforce in order to compensate for the large quantity of foreign workers currently residing in the country. However, the chances for Thai workers is still plentiful in many professions such as spa therapists, chefs and a variety of technicians such as welding and vehicle technicians which are still a demand by employers. Thus the promotion for Thai workers to work in the Middle-Eastern region is focused on special and specific professions where there will need to be a database for workers wishing to work in the region, with adequate support.  



Labour Office in Abu Dhabi