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Workforce Preparation Plans for 21st Century Revealed

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          Permanent Secretary of Labour M.L. Puntrik Smiti joined the meeting to present the outcome from the meeting on strategic management syllabuses for government officers (for the Permanent Secretary of Labour and Directors) on 22 May 2017 at the Sukosol hotel. The meeting was chaired by Deputy Prime Minister Mr. Wissanu Krea-ngam where the Ministry of Labour presented topics on workforce development and preparation for the 21st century. This included directions on improving vocational and further education to international standards in support of the Industry 4.0, improving the workforce productivity and reliable information databases using the National Employment Promotion Act.  

          Deputy Prime Minister Mr. Wissanu Krea-ngam said, “The topics presented today will be presented further in the National Strategic Committee, which will be announced for enforcement in September 2017. All issues will be used in formulating the 20-year national strategies which will be enforced in various organizations including the government, court and independent organizations. On the topic of improving workforce efficiency, discipline, good governance and anti-corruption measures should also be considered.” 

          Deputy Prime Minister presented policies on driving the national strategies for reformation. He said, “In this meeting, issues presented aligned with strategies on people development and preparation for the future in which education is core. Importance must be given to improving computer skills, communication and discipline in developing the workforce. Topics also aligned with the sixth strategy on management in the public sector for national reformation. In addition to this, the government has given focus to reform, strategy and creating unity.”



Bureau of Public Relations / 23 May 2017 /Pattarin Neeraphol – News