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Zero Tolerance Policy Initiated to Eliminate Corruption

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           The Ministry of Labour’s Inspector-General and the leader of the ministry’s news team Mr. Soothi Sukosol spoke about Labour Minister General Sirichai Distakul’s given importance to the 8+1 agendas for reform, particularly in anti-human trafficking measures and corruption. The Labour Minister has emphasized the “Zero Tolerance” policy (no corruption, no illegal migrant workers, no labour exploitation and no child labour), whereby urging employment standards be improved to internationally recognized levels through the implementation of Good Labour Practices (GLP) and Thai Labour Standards (TLS), in addition to strict enforcement of legislation.

           Mr. Soothi further stated that the Labour Minister assigned all affiliated units to integrate IT systems and e-services towards self-services to reduce necessities in contacting government officers and opportunities for corruption. The government’s “Zero Corruption” policy aims for all units to be free of corruption, by implementing thorough inspection measures. It also promotes good governance through training and expands channels of communication to create awareness and understanding to guide the people in following the frameworks. 

People are encouraged to report any suspicious or undesired activity to the Ministry of Labour’s officers and officials at the Anti-Corruption Division by calling 0 2232 1003 during government working hours. 


Spokesperson and Publication Sub-Division/
Bureau of Public Relations/
Chaninthorn  Phettab – News/
2 May 2017